
A look at the latest updates and improvements to Workflow.

September 24, 2024

Hide Comments From Other Versions

By default, the comment section in a task shows you comments from all versions in that task. Sometimes this can feel distracting.

Now, you can choose to only see the comments on the version you're viewing.

  1. Click the Filter Comments dropdown
  2. Select “Hide comments on other versions”

Enjoy the update!

The Workflow Team

September 10, 2024

Subscribe to Tasks

You can now manually subscribe and unsubscribe to a task.

When you subscribe to a task, you'll get notified when its updated – for example if someone comments, adds a version to it, or updates its status.

This is especially useful when you want to keep tabs on a task's progress.

You can also unsubscribe from a task to stop getting notified about it.

September 2, 2024

Task Labels

You can now add labels to Workflow tasks, making it easy to organise related work across different projects.

Filter tasks by labels to quickly access the ones you need.

Stay tuned for more updates.

The Workflow Team

August 23, 2024

Browser and Screen Size Information for Comments

Not knowing how users experience your site across different devices and browsers slows the review process.

That’s why now, when someone leaves a comment on a website you're reviewing in Workflow, you'll see the browser type and screen size they used.

This makes it easier to catch browser-specific issues and responsiveness problems.

Enjoy, and as always, let us know if you have any feedback.

The Workflow Team

August 15, 2024

9x Faster Load Time

One of the things we obsess over is creating an amazing user experience that lets you focus on your creative projects without any distractions. 

That’s why we’ve cut Workflow’s initial load time from 7 seconds to just 800 milliseconds.

These speed upgrades also improve in-app performance. Before, accounts with a large number of tasks and assets tended to perform slower, especially on mobile. Now we’re pleased to see a big improvement in response times across all platforms.

How We Did It

We adopted modern JavaScript build tools to create highly optimised releases of the Workflow app. This involved moving our production site to an optimised Vite build, which significantly boosted performance and load times.

Enjoy the changes and stay tuned for more updates. 

The Workflow Team

August 5, 2024

Project Folders

You can organise your projects into folders, making it simpler to manage many projects at once.

These folders are only visible to you. You can customise the order of projects and folders by dragging them in the sidebar.

We’d love to hear how you get on organising your Workflow!

August 1, 2024

Get Feedback From Anyone

Receiving feedback from people without a Workflow account is now much easier. 

Previously, when you shared a review link with someone who didn't have an account, they would have to enter their name, email, and choose a password to leave comments.

Now, they only need to enter their email.

July 25, 2024

UX & Quality of Life Improvements

We've made a series of small updates to improve the Workflow experience. Here's a rundown of some of them.

Managing Creative Work

Quickly Filter Dropdowns: Easily search within dropdown menus to rapidly find what you need.

Filter By Tasks Assigned To You: Now, when filtering tasks, the "Assigned to Me" option will always appear at the top. This makes it quicker and easier to focus on what you need to do.

Assign and Unassign Tasks To Yourself: Quickly assign or unassign tasks to yourself from the command bar, or using the keyboard shortcut Shift + I.

Task Status Notifications: You'll now get notified when the status of a task you're following changes. If you're subscribed to a project, you'll get notified whenever any task in that project changes status.

A Better Reviewing Experience

Extended Time Limit for Screen Recordings: We've increased the comment time limit on screen recordings to 10 minutes, instead of 5.

Simpler Version Uploading: It's now easier to add the first version of an asset to a task. The drag-and-drop UI appears by default, making it easier to start the review process.

Improved Avatar Initials Contrast: We've improved the contrast of avatar initials against dark backgrounds, making it easier to identify team members.

Easier Zoom Accessibility: The zoom feature is now easier to find at the top of the UI.

July 18, 2024

Subscribe to Projects

You can now subscribe to projects in Workflow. This is handy when working with a team and want to make sure that you don't miss key updates.

Notification Triggers

When you subscribe to a project, you’ll get notified when:
- Someone creates a task
- Someone leaves a comment
- Someone adds a new version
- A task changes status

Notifications will appear as usual: via email, Workflow inbox, and Slack (if you've set up the integrated).

Subscribing to a Project

To subscribe to a project:

1. Go to the project settings
2. Click the notifications tab
3. Check the "subscribe to project" box

July 8, 2024

Duplicate Projects, Tasks, and Create Templates

We're excited to introduce project and task duplication, allowing you to create templates for repeatable processes

Project Templates and Project Duplication
  1. Create a project with the tasks you'd like in your template
  2. Click project settings > "Settings" tab > "Duplicate"

Your entire project, including all tasks, will be duplicated. Project properties (e.g. project status, briefing…) will also be preserved.

Note: Project members (except the user duplicating) and task comments won't be copied.

Duplicating Tasks
  1. Click the task settings dropdown
  2. Click "Duplicate task"

The new task retains all properties and versions from the original. Task comments won't be duplicated.

July 6, 2024

FigJam Integration

You can now use the Figma plugin to upload content directly from FigJam:

  1. Select the content you want to upload in FigJam
  2. Open the Workflow plugin
  3. Choose to create a new task or add as a new version to an existing task

This process mirrors the existing workflow for Figma design mode.

July 1, 2024

Introducing Project Info Pages

You asked for more powerful ways to manage your projects, so we're shipping a big update. Today, we're launching Project Info pages to give you a clearer view of your projects and better control over team collaboration.

Powerful Project Overview

Each project now has a dedicated Info page that includes:

- Project status
- Team access controls
- Start and end dates
- Comprehensive project briefing

You can use the "Tab" key on your keyboard to switch between the Board and Info pages.

Streamlined Team Management

Easily manage who has access to your project:

- View current team members and guests
- Add or remove collaborators with a single click

Available Now

Project Info pages are live in your Workflow account. Navigate to any project and click the new "Info" tab to explore.

Happy collaborating!

The Workflow Team

June 26, 2024


You can now sort tasks by priority, creation date, or due date.

1. Click the "sort" icon in the top right corner
2. Choose to sort by priority, creation date, or due date

Keyboard Shortcuts for Faster Sorting

For keyboard enthusiasts:

  • Press 'S' to open the sorting dropdown, or
  • Use Cmd + K (Ctrl + K on Windows) to sort via the command bar.
    • Just type "Sort by X" (e.g., "Sort by priority") and hit enter.

These updates are live. Try them out and let us know how they improve your workflow.

Happy sorting!

June 17, 2024

UX Improvements

We’ve spent a day improving the general platform experience and addressing some of your feedback, and we've shipped a handful of improvements. 

Tasks and feedback
  • Markdown for Headers: You can now use markdown to create headers in briefings.
  • Thread Reply Indicators: Clear indicators show when a comment thread has a new reply, helping you follow conversations more easily.

  • Speed Control for Screen Recordings: You can now speed up screen recordings shared within a task, saving you time during reviews.
Workspace Improvements
  • Reorder Projects: You can now reorder projects in the sidebar for a more personalized view.

    • Add Tasks Effortlessly: There’s a new button at the bottom of each column for quick task addition.

    June 16, 2024

    Version Naming

    We're introducing a feature to better organize your work in Workflow: custom version names.

    Keeping Track of All Your Versions

    Until now, versions of assets in Workflow were labeled V1, V2, V3, and so on. Many of you requested the ability to name these versions to reflect different project phases, like moodboards, wireframes, concepts, or explorations.

    Starting today, you can give each version a custom name.

    How to Name Versions

    Just click the pencil icon next to the version number and start typing.

    Custom version names are available now in your Workflow account. 

    Happy organizing!

    The Workflow Team

    June 7, 2024

    Lightning-Fast Comments

    We believe that the best collaboration tools should feel effortless and intuitive.

    Today, we're excited to announce a major leap forward: we've completely rebuilt Workflow comments to have zero lag and be more user-friendly.

    Zero Lag

    Comments in Workflow are now virtually instant. Previously, it took a few hundred milliseconds between you hitting "Send" and your comment appearing. This delay was brief, but it made Workflow less enjoyable.

    We've cut that lag down to a dozen milliseconds – essentially instant.

    Under the hood, we've achieved this by using a local-first architecture. Instead of sending data back and forth to servers, everything happens locally on your computer, and then syncs with the server in the background.

    Redesigned UX

    We've also overhauled the commenting interface to make discussions clearer – whether you're reviewing a video, live website, Figma file, or task.

    Here's what's new:

    • Avatar pictures in comment bubbles help you quickly identify who left a comment
    • Comment bubbles have more contrast and are easier to distinguish against similar colour backgrounds
    • Resolved comments are collapsed, making it easier to manage many comments on the same task
    • Replies to comments are displayed in separate threads – instead of the main sidebar – making it easier to manage multiple conversations at once

    The new commenting system is live now in your Workflow account. Give it a try and let us know how it feels!

    Happy commenting!

    The Workflow Team

    May 31, 2024

    Check Boxes

    You can now create check boxes in project and task briefings, as well as comments.

    Creating a Check Box

    It's simple:

    - Just click the check box button
    - Or, use the keyboard shortcut: [] (square brackets)

    Happy checking off those tasks!

    The Workflow Team

    May 26, 2024

    Lightning-Fast Task Loading 

    Tasks containing assets – like images, videos, and Figma designs – now load significantly faster, by about ~300ms on average. No more waiting around!

    These improvements are live now across all Workflow accounts. Just open a task and see the difference for yourself.

    Enjoy the extra speed!

    The Workflow Team

    May 21, 2024

    Simpler Guest Management

    We've heard your feedback and simplified how you invite and manage project members. Here's what's new:

    All Project Members in One Place

    You can now see all users with access to a project in the new "Members" tab within project settings.

    Intuitive Invitations

    Inviting users to a project is now easier:

    • Existing Users: If the person is already a guest in another project or a part of your workspace, simply type their name or email and select them from the dropdown menu.
    • New Users: Enter their email and click "Invite". You can invite them as:
      • Guests: External users with access only to specific projects.
      • Teammates: Part of your workspace with access to all projects.

    Need to grant a guest full access to your workspace? Just click the dropdown next to their name and click "Invite to team".

    Clear Guest Identification

    Guests now have a distinctive badge next to their name, so you always know who's who.

    Happy collaborating!

    The Workflow Team

    May 16, 2024

    Private Projects

    Whether it's a sensitive client project or a surprise for your team, you sometimes need a space for discreet collaboration.

    That's why we're introducing Private Projects – projects visible only to team members and guests that you invite to them.

    Collaborate in Confidence

    With Private Projects, you can:

    • Create projects visible only to specific team members and guests.
    • Keep sensitive or confidential work separate from your main team workspace.
    Creating a Private Project
    1. Click "Start a project", or hit "Cmd + P" (Ctrl + P on Windows)
    2. On the "Project Visibility" screen, select "Private" (the default is "Team members").
    3. Assign the relevant team members and guests.
    4. Start collaborating!

    Private Projects will appear in your sidebar with a padlock icon, making them easy to distinguish from your regular team projects.

    Available Now

    Private Projects are live and ready to use in your Workflow account. We can't wait to see how you use them.

    Happy (private) collaborating!

    The Workflow Team

    May 10, 2024

    A Tailored Onboarding Experience

    We've revamped the onboarding flow to provide a more personalized introduction to Workflow. The flow now changes based on the types of assets thatyou work with.

    Highlighting the Tools You Need

    During onboarding, you’ll be asked about the types of assets you typically work with (e.g., Figma designs, images, videos). Based on your selection, we'll showcase the specific Workflow features that will be most useful for your workflow.

    For example, if you frequently work with Figma designs, we’ll highlight our Figma plugin and how it can streamline your design process.

    Video Tutorials for Visual Learners

    Everyone learns differently, so we’ve added a short video tutorial to the onboarding flow, making it easier to get up and running.

    Improved Dark Mode Support

    All illustrations and images are now optimized for dark mode.

    Happy creating!

    The Workflow Team

    May 3, 2024

    Workflow AI Improvements

    We've made some improvements to Workflow AI to streamline your design review process.

    Faster AI Checks

    Initial AI checks now return results in as little as 5 seconds, down from the previous 90-second wait time. More complex checks like grammar and phrasing will still take a bit longer, but overall you should notice checks completing more quickly.

    Review Multiple Images at Once

    You asked, we delivered. Workflow AI can now analyze multiple Figma frames or images within a single task. All checks run in parallel, so you can get feedback on multiple visuals without any additional wait time.

    Available Now

    These updates are live now in your Workflow account. Just upload your designs and run an AI check as usual.

    We're always working to improve Workflow based on your feedback. Please continue to share your thoughts and ideas.

    As always, happy designing!

    The Workflow Team

    April 25, 2024

    Workflow AI: Your Intelligent Design Assistant

    We know how frustrating it can be to spend hours perfecting a design, only to have a small mistake slip through the cracks.

    That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce Workflow AI – a design assistant that automatically flags errors and inconsistencies in your designs and images. 

    Elevate Your Designs with AI

    Workflow AI acts as a second pair of eyes, meticulously scanning your creative for mistakes that might otherwise go unnoticed. 

    Here's how it works:

    • Upload a design or image to a Workflow task
    • Click “AI review”
    • Any issues are flagged directly on your design for easy reference
    Starting with Text-Related Issues

    Today, Workflow AI identifies text-related problems in designs – like typos, grammar errors, and incorrect phrasing. In the coming months, it will grow to recognize a wider array of design mistakes.

    Available Now in Your Workflow Account

    Workflow AI is live and ready to use in your Workflow account. Just upload a design and click “AI review”.

    To learn more , check our detailed help center article.

    We can't wait to see the incredible work you'll create with Workflow AI.

    Happy creating!

    The Workflow Team

    April 14, 2024

    Predictive Command Bar

    We're excited to announce the latest improvement to the Workflow command bar. You can now change the status or priority of a task with just a few keystrokes:

    • Press Cmd + K (Ctrl + K on Windows) to open the command bar
    • Type the desired state you want to apply to the task
    • Hit enter, and voila! Your task is updated instantly
    Designed for Speed

    Changing task statuses and priorities are among the most frequent actions in Workflow – we want to make sure you can do these at lightning speed. No more clicking through menus or hunting for the right button.

    Try out the new command bar enhancements and let us know what you think!

    Happy creating!

    The Workflow Team

    April 11, 2024

    Hide the Side Panel to Focus on Your Asset

    When you're deep in the creative process, you often want to minimize distractions and focus on your work. 

    That's why we're introducing the ability to hide the side panel on tasks with creative assets, allowing you to immerse yourself in your videos, Figma designs, or live websites, or other assets without interruption. It's also a great way to present your work, without distracting your audience with additional information.

    Declutter Your View in One Click

    Hiding the side panel is quick and easy. You can do it in 3 different ways:

    • Click the "Hide Side Panel" button located in the sidebar
    • Use the keyboard shortcut: Cmd + . (or Ctrl + . on Windows)
    • Access the option through the sidebar menu

    Once hidden, you'll have a clean, unobstructed view of your creative asset. To reveal the side panel again, just use any of the methods mentioned above.

    Try this out and let us know how it improves your workflow (pun intended).

    Happy creating!

    The Workflow Team

    April 8, 2024

    Introducing Task Priorities for Better Organization

    You can now assign a priority level to each task, ensuring that your most important work stays top of mind.

    Assign Priorities to Your Tasks

    With this update, you can assign one of four priority levels to any task:

    • Low
    • Medium
    • High
    • Urgent

    Just click on a task and select the priority from the dropdown. The priority will be reflected in the task’s details, as well as on the board.

    Assigning priorities to your tasks helps you and your team focus on what matters most, ensuring that critical work gets done first. Priority levels also improve organization, making it easier to manage your workload effectively.

    Filter Tasks by Priority

    You can now also filter your tasks by priority level. Just click on the "Filter" button and select the desired priority level to view only the tasks with that priority.

    We hope that the new task priority feature helps you and your team stay organized, focused, and productive. As always, we'd love to hear your feedback on this update and how we can continue to improve Workflow to meet your needs.

    Happy prioritizing!

    The Workflow Team

    March 27, 2024

    Instant Interactions

    At Workflow, we believe that the tools you use should empower you to do your best work, not slow you down. That's why we're thrilled to announce a major overhaul of the Workflow app, designed to make most interactions instantaneous with local-first architecture.

    Our goal is to make every interaction take less than 50ms, so you can stay focused on creating.

    No More Frustrating Delays

    The updated Workflow platform now lets you enjoy:

    • Instant loading of projects, tasks, and assets
    • Real-time updates and synchronization across your team
    • Smooth, lag-free navigation between different sections of the app
    • Instant task filtering 
    • Offline support 
    Under the Hood: Local-First Interactions

    To achieve these incredible speed improvements, we've implemented a cutting-edge local-first architecture with a powerful sync engine. In essence, this means that most of your interactions with Workflow now happen directly on your device, without waiting for data to be sent back and forth to our servers.

    When you make a change, like updating a task or leaving a comment, those changes are applied instantly on your local device. In the background, our sync engine efficiently communicates with our servers to ensure that your team members' devices are updated with the latest changes in real-time.

    Enjoy full functionality even with spotty internet connection, so you can keep creating anytime, anywhere.

    Speed as a Core Value

    At Workflow, we believe that creatives should love the tools they use, and a big part of that is ensuring that they never slow you down. We've designed this speed improvement to feel so natural that you might not even notice it – and that's the point. Our goal is to get out of your way and let you focus on what you do best: creating amazing work.

    We're committed to continually improving and optimizing Workflow to provide the best possible experience for our users. Stay tuned for more updates as we work to make Workflow the ultimate platform for creative collaboration.

    Happy creating!

    The Workflow Team

    March 11, 2024

    Introducing Project Pages

    We're excited to announce a major update to how you work with projects in Workflow. Workflow now has dedicated project sections, designed to help you focus on one project at a time without being distracted by others.

    Your Projects, Front and Center

    All your projects are now easily accessible in the sidebar, putting them just a click away. Each project now has its own dedicated space, with a board containing all the tasks for that project. 

    Dedicated project sections let you immerse yourself in a single project without the distraction of tasks from other projects. Of course, you can still access the "global" board view to see tasks from all projects when needed.

    When a project is complete, simply mark it as "complete" to hide it from the sidebar, keeping your workspace clean and clutter-free.

    Secure Collaboration

    Only guests and teammates who are invited to a project have access to it, ensuring that sensitive information stays private. Inviting teammates and guests to a project is simple. Just invite them by email from the settings, or share the project’s share link with them.

    Seamless transition

    We've made the transition to dedicated project sections smooth and easy. Your existing projects will be automatically migrated, and you can start customizing and setting up your project sections right away.

    We can't wait to see how dedicated project sections help you and your team work more efficiently and effectively. Give them a try and let us know what you think! Share your feedback with us, so we can continue to improve Workflow and make it the best tool for your team's needs.

    Happy collaborating,

    The Workflow Team

    February 27, 2024

    Introducing Filters

    You can now filter tasks in your board view, to instantly find the tasks you need. 

    To start filtering your tasks, click the filter icon in the top right corner of the board or press "F" on your keyboard.

    • Filter by assignee: View tasks assigned to yourself, specific team members, or tasks with no assignee. This makes it easy to see who's working on what and identify unassigned tasks that need attention.
    • Filter by creator: Need to review tasks created by a particular teammate? Now you can, with the ability to filter tasks by their creator.
    • Filter by project: Isolate tasks belonging to specific projects, allowing you to focus on one project at a time without distractions from other initiatives.
    More filtering options coming soon

    We're just getting started with filters. In the coming weeks, look out for even more powerful filtering options.

    Try out the new filters and let us know what you think! Your feedback is invaluable in shaping the future of Workflow.

    Stay tuned for more updates,

    The Workflow Team

    February 13, 2024

    Quality-of-Life Updates

    We're excited to announce a set of new features designed to make navigating Workflow and focusing on your most important tasks easier than ever.

    Declutter Your Workspace
    • Hide Resolved Comments: Filter out resolved comments by clicking on the “eye” icon in the comment section. This allows you to focus on active discussions and quickly identify open issues.
    • Toggle comment bubbles on creative assets: Enjoy a distraction-free view of your creative work by temporarily hiding comment bubbles on images and videos. Simply press 'Shift + C' on your keyboard or use the dedicated button in the comment section to toggle them on or off.
    Faster, More Efficient Navigation

    We've made it easier to navigate Workflow, so you can spend more time creating and less time clicking.

    • Keyboard shortcuts for speed: Jump to your Board (G + B), Inbox (G + I), and Projects (G + P) with simple keyboard shortcuts.
    • Enhanced command bar: Use the command bar (Cmd + K on Mac, or Ctrl + K on Windows) and type "Go to XX" to quickly access any section of the app.
    Improved Inbox Clarity

    Your Inbox now displays the associated project for each task, giving you an immediate understanding of the work's context and helping you prioritize effectively.

    We're committed to making Workflow the most intuitive and efficient platform for creative collaboration. These improvements are just the beginning – stay tuned for more exciting updates in the near future!

    Happy creating,

    The Workflow Team

    January 29, 2024

    Multiplayer Cursors

    When you and another person are looking at the same piece of creative work, you can now see their cursor on the canvas.

    This helps you discussing work in real-time over a conference call.

    Point as you talk

    Use gestures to point to changes, or point to where you want a new idea implemented.

    Ultra-smooth 120 frames per second

    Your colleague's cursors move at a smooth 120 frames per second, making it feel like you're in the same room.

    Discussing creative work in real time is easier than ever.


    The Workflow Team

    January 18, 2024

    Add Comments To Videos

    Easily add comments to your videos to provide clear feedback.

    Simply click on any part of the video to pause the video and start commenting. Leave a note, tag specific team members to notify them, and resolve comments when they're addressed.

    Time-stamped Feedback

    Comments are attached to specific timestamps, making it clear when in the video your comment refers to.

    Tag To Notify Specific People

    Use @name to tag your team members. They will receive a notification and the tasks will rise to the top of their Workflow inbox.

    When you're done, hit resolve to hide the comment.

    Let us know if you have any ideas for new features.

    The Workflow Team

    January 14, 2024

    Introducing the Command Bar

    The new Command Bar gives you a context-sensitive search and list of frequently used actions.

    To pull it up, on Mac press the 'Cmd + K', or on Windows press 'Ctrl + kK.

    Jump to any task

    Access different sections, features, or settings with simple keyboard shortcuts or a few clicks.

    Frequency-based suggestions

    Quick access to frequently used functions, speeding you up and increasing productivity. Find documents, set project statuses, and assign tasks effortlessly.

    We'll be adding to the command bar over the coming weeks - keep an eye out for new additions.

    All the best from our team to yours.

    The Workflow Team

    January 8, 2024

    Add Comments To Websites

    Comments are often the best way to start a discussion about a part of your work.

    Any site, any page

    Add any site that you're working on to a Workflow task (or a competitor's that you want to discuss). You can browse around the site and click any links or interactive elements

    Click anywhere to add a comment

    Your comment will remain attached to the item. This means that even if the element moves when the screen is resized, the comment will stay in place.

    Tag people to get their feedback

    Anyone you tag by typing @name will receive a notification, and the comment will appear in their inbox of comments to review.

    When done, click 'Resolve' to finish

    This will hide the comment from the page. You can come back to it later by clicking on the comment in the list in the right-hand panel.


    We hope you have a great start to the year with this feature.

    The Workflow Team

    December 27, 2023

    Introducing The Inbox

    The Inbox is a fast way to review new work.

    Click a task to view the work and give feedback. When you're done, hit 'E' (or click the "Mark done" button) to dismiss it and automatically view the next item.

    Mark done (E)

    When you've completed your feedback, simply hit 'Mark Done'.

    Read later (Esc)

    Leaving feedback and need to step away? Hit escape – your work will be waiting in your Inbox.

    Merry Christmas to our community of creatives.

    The Workflow Team

    December 18, 2023

    Figma Plugin v3

    Install the new plugin. Watch the demo:

    When we watched the best Figma designers at work, we saw them heavily use keyboard shortcuts and efficient workflows they had designed for themselves. With this in mind, we've redesigned our Figma plugin to prioritise speed and ease of use from the keyboard. The new plugin lets you push work to Workflow in seconds.

    Video walkthroughs

    Hit "record" in the plugin to record a video walkthrough of your work. Your walkthrough will be highlighted to anyone viewing the work.

    Prototypes and embedded canvases

    In Workflow, create a task (or add a new version to a task) and select "add link". Paste Figma's sharable link here. Your users will be able to see the prototype or live canvas that you shared, and give feedback.

    Divide your canvas into manageable tasks

    Many designers find that managing feedback gets difficult when their Figma canvas gets big. This is where Workflow can help. You select a portion of the canvas and add it to a task in the Workflow app. This means each task can be discussed and managed separately, giving you - and your team - clarity.

    Isolate the work for review

    Sharing the entire canvas may lead to confusion and navigational issues for reviewers. It also requires designers to tidy up beforehand. Pushing only the relevant section to Workflow simplifies navigation and eliminates the need for pre-sharing cleanup.

    Keyboard shortcuts

    Move through the Figma plugin with keyboard shortcuts. Push work for review in seconds.

    Two-way links

    Above each frame you push from Figma to Workflow, you get a button that takes you to the task in Workflow. In Workflow, the task has a link that takes you back to the frame in Figma.

    We hope this speeds up your team - and helps you create great work together.

    Stay tuned for more updates.

    The Workflow Team

    November 29, 2023

    Introducing Text Documents

    For many of us, writing is the start of our creative process. Writing is thinking, not just a way to communicate.

    So we're excited to announce the launch of text documents in Workflow.

    Ideal for project briefings

    Starting a new project or new task? Describe who it's for and the main use cases. This prevents missing important ideas or realising you and your collaborators had different expectations down the road.

    Write copy or trade notes

    Copy (such as the text for a website or advert) can be added and shared.

    Give video feedback

    The quickest and easiest way to give feedback is over video. In Workflow, you can record a video of yourself giving feedback on a text document, and it will be sent to the author.

    To use this feature, create a new task in workflow, click 'add asset', and select 'Doc'.

    Stay tuned for more updates

    The Workflow Team

    November 28, 2023

    Say Hello To Our Free Starter Plan

    Workflow is for every creative, and so we're making Workflow free for your first project.

    This gives small teams and startups the chance to use Workflow before you've landed their first client, while you're still in the messy, creative stage. We hope this will help you get started on your creative journey.

    What's in the free plan?

    Every feature including email sign-off of creative work and video-recorded feedback. You're limited to 1 project and up to 5 versions of any file, and 10 GB storage.

    How much is the premium plan?

    The premium plan is now just £19/month, paid annually, or £29/month monthly. Extra users are £7/month and extra storage is £5/month for 100 GB.

    We hope this helps a number of you creatives break out into designing your own creative work.

    Stay tuned for more updates

    The Workflow Team

    November 15, 2023

    Bring Your Own Branding To Workflow

    Client experience is everything. Yet so often, we force clients to use a patchwork of apps. Each app has a different style, different functions to learn, different notifications to monitor, even different log ins - it's a disorienting, confusing mess.

    With Workflow, you can create a single unified collaboration space - a place that feels yours. With our latest update, it's now easy to customise your Workflow space to match your brand's look and feel.

    Your space, not ours

    Your website feels like you. Your pitch decks feel like you. Your office feels like you. Finally, your collaboration space can feel like it's a cohesive part of your brand too. Add your logo, choose your brand colours, and customise your URL to match your company name. We want your collaboration space will feel like an artist's studio - the ideal space for discussing work and inspiring creativity. Not just another generic tech platform.

    Emails that come from your company, not some startup

    When you send work for review, invite someone to your space, or send any other email, it will appear to come from your company email address and the email is branded to your team's colours.

    Clean defaults

    Don't want to brand the space? The default colour scheme is bright and clean with abundant whitespace. It fits in with any brand and makes your work the center piece. We don't think bright buttons and pop-ups should interrupt the user, or distract from your work.

    Create a unique URL for each client

    Give clients a unique url to access their space through, such as This makes it easy for them to remember and access your space, and it's a great way to reinforce your brand.

    We've seen how much pride creatives take in their digital presence. Hours are spent on websites, social media profiles, and porfilios. We want your Workflow space to be an extension of that, and we hope these new features help you achieve that.

    Stay tuned for more updates

    The Workflow Team

    October 23, 2023

    A Beautiful New Desktop App

    We're thrilled to unveil the new Workflow desktop app.

    This makes it easier to access your conversations and messages in just one click. Click here to download:

    Minimalist design

    Clean, bright and distraction-free: our goal is that Workflow is easy for new people to pick up without any training. One of the user profiles we think a lot about are the non-tech-savvy users out there, which many clients are. Minimalist design also makes Workflow a beautiful canvas for your work, feeling less like software and more like a gallery

    Desktop notifications

    If you want to be more responsive to your team, the app can give you a notification when people message you or provide feedback on your work

    Real-time everything

    All data in the app is updated in real time, ensuring that your team are always in sync

    Your feedback has always been our North Star, guiding us to create a Workflow experience that aligns with your goals. This revamped feedback system is a testament to our dedication to your success. Thank you for being a vital part of our journey. Here's to boosting productivity, streamlining processes, and achieving new heights with Workflow!

    Stay tuned for more updates

    The Workflow Team